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Honey♥Select (2016/PC/JP/EN) + DLC + Mods! UNCENSORED!

Honey♥Select (2016/PC/JP/EN) + DLC + Mods! UNCENSORED!

Buntarou doesnt know what he wants to do in the future, he does not have any kind of dream that he wants to pursue. So currently he just spends his days hanging around with his friends. When one day his classmate Sayuki asks him if he wants to help with development of a galge. She says that she had become interested in his help after she read one his works intended for the drama club. Buntarou doesnt know anything about gal games but Sayuki claims that she has the ability to make it a success. Can they make the game and will it be a success like she claims it will be? This is the story of youths taking a daring step into the unknown

Size: 8.78 GB

- FemaleMakerAssetsV11
- Honey♥Select Tattoo Project
- [HS][Belgar17]AdaptedShoesV1
- Ramoram_TRMod
- Zeaska HS MOD official package 1
- HoneySelectLauncher
- WideSlider_0.3.1
- 100%save
- English translation
- MrX_HoneySelect_Uncensor_FUnMU_Ver100
- SBX2 Uncensor 0.6

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