Home » Video » Video English » Bible Black 2 - La Noche de Walpurgis - vol. 1-6 (Jap, Eng, Rus) hentai video 2001

Bible Black 2 - La Noche de Walpurgis - vol. 1-6 (Jap, Eng, Rus) hentai video 2001

Bible Black 2 - La Noche de Walpurgis - vol. 1-6 (Jap, Eng, Rus) hentai video 2001

On the night of May 1, popularly known as Walpurgis Night, when the power of the dark forces reaches its climax in the basement of the college group member Satanic Magic Club holds an ancient secret ritual sacrifices. Wanting to open the gates of hell, young witches put on Whale slaughter their classmates. And the Gates of Hell really opened - by candlelight was played terrible tragedy, which could not survive anyone (at least all think so).
Twelve years later a student of the same college Minase, intrigued abandoned since utility room, Murphy discovers ancient manuscripts spell of black magic. Try some spells, make sure the guy in their power - enough to him to write his own blood on paper figures initials vending girl and say the magic words, as the right covers uncontrollable sexual attraction to him. Minase not resist the temptation to use their newfound power, fall in love with the most popular girl College beautiful Siroki and proudly displays his ability to friends.
But he underestimated the corrupting influence of black magic - the temptation to have a secret power over others leads to the creation of a new Magic Club, the meeting which translate into unbridled orgy in the spirit of the Marquis de Sade. The young man finally realizes how evil enclosed in an old book, penetrated into his soul and the souls of fellow students - twelve years later the Devil's shadow falls again to college. Will Minase stop him winning streak before the Walpurgis Night?

mkv - 704x528 - 170min - 1.9Gb
audio: 1 - Jap, 2 - Eng, 3 - Rus

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http://adlink.wf/Hjj5bI11n http://www.fexe.com/nek3gpvoh2e9/Bible_Black_2_-_La_Noche_de_Walpurgis.rar

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