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Alcina Dimitrescu - The Last Villager (Resident Evil Village) (2022) 1080p

Alcina Dimitrescu - The Last Villager (Resident Evil Village) (2022) 1080p
For a long time, residents of the local region forced to live in fear under the oppression of their countess becoming victims of night monsters. Every day someone became a treat of their ruler. And in order not to incur the wrath of the Countess, the villagers had to get off with little blood sacrificing their own loved ones to her. There were fewer and fewer people, but the Countess’ hunger did not fade. One day the residents received a letter topped with the seal of Dimitrescu, which set out strange requirements for a new victim. The requirements were very specific and different from the past, especially since not so much young blood remained in these lands, especially male.

Size: 1.9 GB

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